Overtime, the term “propaganda” has acquired a negative connotation as a manipulative message, but it was originally a neutral term (much like advertisement) also applied to examples of positive communication such as posters about public health programs or an announcement of an upcoming cultural event. However, in addressing freedom of expression, we will explore the negative meaning of “propaganda” or communication intended to manipulate one’s attitudes, beliefs, and actions to further the goals or agenda of the propagandist, not necessarily those of the message receiver. Multiple strategies are commonly used in propaganda, such as fear mongering, appeals to prejudice, direct address, demonizing, flag-waving, stereotyping, scapegoating, and half-truths are a few to be explored. Like censorship or media manipulation, the purpose is not to provide impartial and complete information in order to make a informed decisions or form opinions, but to prevent people from experiencing opposing points of view or knowing the whole story. Propaganda appeals to people’s unconscious fears and desires.